Pastor/Congregational Leader: John Koshy

John was born in India, but left the country at an early age and spent his formative years in the Middle East. Then, in his early twenties, came to the US to pursue graduate studies. After having earned his PhD in electrical engineering and soon after, obtaining his first job in the tech industry, John and his wife moved to New Jersey and made it their home, where they raised their three sons. 

John has always had a burning desire, since the age of twenty, when he gave his life to the Lord, to teach about the kingdom of God and see people experience wholeness as they connect with their maker. So, from an early age, he had been involved in various lay teaching/preaching ministries, but in 2016, through a series of seemingly “random” events, John sensed an urge to embark on an intense season of personal study to investigate the Hebraic/Jewish roots of the Christian faith à la Romans 11 as well as creating a faith community, modeled after the early ekklesia described in the book of Acts, where Jews and Gentiles congregated and worshipped as one in Messiah. This led to the start of a home group with a small bunch of likeminded friends that he also met in 2016, and eventually in 2021, to the formation of Beit Shalom | House of Peace congregation. John serves in the office of pastor/shepherd of the congregation, while supporting himself as a “tentmaker” through his day-job as a senior research scientist. John has done his theological training through CityNet Ministries’ LAMPhilly program (2005-2009) and completed the licentiate internship under the auspices of the PCA (Presbyterian Church of America) Philadelphia Presbytery in 2010.